Sunday, February 5

Day 6 Post-Session

The blisters are beginning to decrease in size and volume. It appears that they are slowly drying out; they don't feel like hard lumps anymore, but can be manipulated. (strange to say). It's still a little painful, but really only when I have something rubbing directly across it.

Part of the tattoo has entered the healing-itchy phase, which is annoying but much better than the pain phase!

Saturday, February 4

5 days post-treatment

And here's my tattoo today, five days after my second laser treatment. My foot is definitely less swollen, but it's still pretty sore. I went shopping today for shoes that I can wear that won't rub on the area too much. I'm changing the gauze and applying ointment or aquafor three times a day. It's basically like a really awful burn; I'm hoping that it heals before I go to Florida in a few weeks!

Friday, February 3

So here's my tattoo 4 days after treatment. The blisters are slightly less gross, but it's still swollen. 

Wednesday, February 1

Day after Treatment 2

So my foot today is blistered and icky. It doesn't hurt as much today as it did last night, and I can walk, which makes me pretty happy. I cleaned it with white vinegar and water, then applied the ointment and fresh gauze. I have an ice pack on my foot that's held in place with an ace bandage. I'll take pictures later to see if it's gotten better. Here are a few pictures but they're kinda gross: